When transporting to a hospital emergency department, an entry note may be required. Inner-city hospitals only need entry notes for Priority 1 emergencies. All other hospitals require an entry note.

By default, entry notes should be made by CMed radio. If radios fail 3x, an entry note can be given via cell or landline to the hospital directly. CMed monitors and records entry notes to ensure both sides can access the entry note if they need the information re-played.

If the Tech cannot give an entry note, you can request the driver or even dispatch to make the entry note for you.

Hailing CMed

Depending on which hospital you are trying to reach, you will use Channels Bos 4N, NEMed 4N, or NEMed 42N.

Hail CMed, ID yourself, state request for a patch and priority, and hospital you are looking for.

CMed will assign you a channel, switch over to the channel using left/right buttons on the radio, and sign on there.

A long, loud tone will sound from CMed; they will come on and hail the hospital, the hospital will come on and give their "go ahead."

At this point, begin your entry note.

Entry Note Framework

  • Greeting
  • Identify yourself
  • Alerts (priorities, trauma etc)
  • Patient Age
  • Patient Sex
  • Chief Complaint
  • Interventions Performed
  • Relevant Previous Medical History & Medications
  • Latest Vitals
  • Estimatd Time to the Hospital
  • Any Questions?