Transfer Narrative

ECHO 31 was dispatched to Lahey 7W for the on arrival transfer of an 88 year old female to Encompass Rehab in Woburn. Upon arrival, EMS made their way to the appropriate unit where they obtained all necessary paperwork from the front desk. At this time, the patient's RN gave a brief report to EMS. Patient admitted to Lahey for injuries sustained post multiple falls. Patient heading to rehab to recover and regain strength from these multiple falls. PCS form and authorized representative signature were collected as the patient was unable to sign for herself due to dementia diagnosis.

Once patient contact was made, patient presented as A&Ox1, as she was only oriented to self. Patient had a patent airway, normal respirations and adequate circulations. Patient unable to ambulate due to severe weakness. Patient was transferred to the stretcher via use of the draw sheet maneuver with assistance from EMT’s x2. Patient was secured to stretcher using straps x5 and rails x2. Patient was lowered to safe traveling height and loaded into the ambulance without incident.

En route to the receiving facility, patient’s vitals were recorded as unremarkable. Vitals were reassessed every 15 minutes as the patient was stable. At this time, the patient denied any CP, SOB, NVD. Patient denies pain, rated her pain at a 0 on a scale from 1-10. All history, meds and allergies are as noted in the report. Patients condition remained unchanged for the duration of the trip. Patients' comfort was monitored for the remainder or transport.

Upon arrival at Encompass, the patient was safely unloaded from the ambulance and brought down to a safe traveling height. Patient was transported to her appropriate room and placed into bed via use of the draw sheet maneuver via EMT’sx2 once more. Patient was adjusted for comfort as all necessary paperwork was handed over to her receiving RN. With that, patient care was officially transferred. END. SM.